Warner Anglers Preserve — Aspetuck Land Trust

Warner Anglers Preserve

About Warner Anglers Preserve
This preserve is special because of the Mill River, which in its upper section is a pristine tailwater fishery. The river flows from the bottom of the Easton Reservoir and ultimately makes its way to Long Island Sound through Southport Harbor in Fairfield. The upper section of the Mill River, which is the portion of the river adjacent to the preserve, is designated by the state as a Class 1 Wild Trout Management Area. This means it hosts an abundant population of wild trout and is never stocked. Fishing is permitted year-round with a valid Connecticut license as long as anglers follow strict catch and release guidelines and only use single hook, barbless lures.

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Named after the former president of the Bridgeport Hydraulic (now Aquarion Water Company), Warner Angler's Preserve is divided into three separate parcels, all located in Easton and easily accessible from South Park Avenue just north of exit 47 of the Merritt Parkway.


Trail Stewards

Directions & Parking
The preserve in off of South Park Avenue in Easton, just north of Merritt Parkway's Exit 47. There are three fishing access areas with parking:

First access: First Pass Toll House Lane on the left and cross over Mill River; there is a pull-off on the left side of the road just over the bridge.

Second access: Park on Riverside Lane off South Park Road. Walk south down South Park about 300 feet to the preserve on river.

Third access: just north of the second parking area on the left, before the intersection with Buck Hill Road.

Where is it?

125 South Park Avenue
Easton, CT 06612