Join Suzanne Thompson, organizer of Nix the Knotweed and co-leader of Pollinate Old Lyme for an overview of the worst invasive plants in southeastern Connecticut, (think Mugwort, Garlic Mustard, Multiflora Rose, Japanese Barberry, and of course Knotweed) and tips on how to remove or combat them and to reestablish native ecosystems that support our pollinators and wildlife.
Suzanne also is Save Oswegatchie Hills outreach coordinator with Save the Sound. Her presentation covers how Friends of Oswegatchie Hills Nature Preserve stewards and Nix the Knotweed volunteers tackle common invasive species around the Town of East Lyme preserve and effective tips to try in your own backyard., Nix the Knotweed YouTube Channel
Learn how to Nix the Knotweed with natural gardener Suzanne Thompson and find out how you can be part of Citizen Scientist efforts to further test and validate this organic invasive plant control method.
Suzanne Thompson
Suzanne Thompson has been gardening and battling invasive plants in CT since 2002. She has bachelors degrees in Urban Horticulture and Journalism from Kansas State University, is a UConn Master Gardener, a CT NOFA Accredited Organic Land Care Professional and serves on the board of Mountain Laurel Chapter of Wild Ones a national organization that advocates native plants and landscape. She also is co-leader of Pollinate Old Lyme and a member of Town of Old Lyme Solid Waste and Recycling Committee.
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