Birds need 70% native plants in their range to maintain healthy population levels. *That's approximately 2/3 native plants, and that's our goal.
If we could plant even half of our 40 million acres of lawn in 2/3 native plants, and keep them pesticide free, we could turn the bird losses into gains.
Edwina von Gal
Having designed landscapes for the rich and famous - in terms of people and places along the lines of Rockefeller Center, Ina Garten, Calvin Klein, Robert De Niro - it was midway through her career that Edwina had an epiphany about the potential impact for the better or worse in how gardens are cared for in our world.
In order to help tilt the balance back toward gardens large and small being positive contributors to the life, health, habitat and biodiversity of our world – she founded the Perfect Earth Project – promoting toxin-free lawns and landscapes for their people, pets, and planet.
In the last few years, Edwina has expanded her mission with advocacy known as 2/3rds 4 the birds – based on the research of Dr. Doug Tallamy – urging all residential and campus landscapes to dedicate 2/3rd of their plantings to be native plants for habitat value and to commit to going toxin free.
If all our yards and parks and campuses become Two Thirds, they will eventually connect and create life filled corridors of habitat. A life saver for our birds, our biodiversity, ourselves.
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