Legacy Society Member: Tom Lawton
April 17th, 18th, 24th, 25th, 2020
9:30 am - 12:00 pm each day
We always look forward to seeing old friends and meeting new folks and basking in the beauty of the Trout Brook Valley orchard, sometimes in the warm spring sun and sometimes in snow flurries.
We encourage you to bring a friend, co-worker, or family member along for this fun, rewarding volunteer activity.
Please register with the date(s) you can attend and the number of people attending below.
Please bring your bypass hand pruners and loppers. Please make sure that your tools are sharp. You can easily sharpen them with a hand file if they are dull. If you want to buy some new equipment we recommend the 32-inch lopper, the cost is approximately $35.
From the intersection of Merritt Parkway and Rte 58 (Hi Ho Motor Inn), go north on Rte 58. Pass-thru light at Rte 136, continuing on 58. Pass Bluebird Gas Station and Restaurant on the left. After passing the Bluebird, take the third left (Redding Rd and Norton Rd are 1st two) onto Freeborn Road (sign at the end of the road), which is a couple of miles from Bluebird. Go left onto Freeborn. There will be woods on the left and right. When the woods stop on the left (first house lot) look to the right, there will be a dirt road through the woods, the access road to the Patch. Please park on Freeborn. If you are comfortable, please walk up the dirt road, pass thru an 8 ft farm gate into the orchard field. Follow the pathway about 300 yards, and you will see a second farm gate on the left. Go through this gate, and you will be at the blueberry bushes!
We will be standing ready to give a lift to all volunteers that cannot comfortably walk in. If you can walk to the Patch, please do so via the access road or use trail access.