Post Fall Sale Shrubs & Trees - Full Sun, Wet Soil β€” Aspetuck Land Trust

Full Sun & Wet Soil

These trees and shrubs thrive in full sun and love the wetter sections of your yard!

If you’re interested in purchasing native trees and shrubs, contact us for availability at

Each Shrub and Tree is sold in a 1, 2, 3, or 6 gallon pot.


American Beech Tree (Fagus grandifolia)

3 gallon pot

Fall color; Attracts: πŸ¦πŸ¦‹

Sun: Adaptable to a wide range of sun conditions

Soil: Prefers moist/wet soil

American beech is a sturdy, imposing tree, 50-80 ft. tall, with a maximum height of 120 ft. Its bark is very smooth and light gray, remaining so as the tree ages. Beechnuts are important food for wildlife.


American Cranberry Shrub (Vaccinium macrocarpon) 

4" pot

Fall color; Attracts: πŸ¦

Sun: Full sun (6+ hours of direct sun per day)

Soil: Prefers moist/wet soil

Large Cranberry is native low-growing vine, ground cover or trailing evergreen shrub (less than 1 ft. high ) and is usually grown in wet bog conditions. They spread by rhizomes and can be difficult to transplant. Requirements are full sun and moist but well-drained soils and they can tolerate periodic flooding, but can't tolerate heat and drought.


American Hazelnut (Corylus americana)

1 gallon pot

Fall color; Attracts: πŸ¦

Sun: Adaptable to a wide range of sun conditions

Soil: Adaptable to any soil

If the fauna of New England held a little popularity contest for β€œfavorite shrub,” you can bet American Hazelnut would be one of the top contenders. A whole host of insects will munch on the leaves, while the nuts provide a tasty snack to our mammalian and avian friends. This shrub will be happiest on the wood’s edge and should be planted in multiples to ensure pollination. You can expect the fruit within 2-3 years after planting. 15’ tall.


Black Willow Tree (Salix nigra) 
2 gallon pot

Fall Color; Attracts: πŸ 🐦 πŸ¦‹

Sun: Full sun (6+ hours of direct sun per day)

Soil: Prefers moist/wet soil

Do you have a stream or river bank that needs help with erosion control? Look no further. Black Willow is not only fast growing, but it works wonders stabilizing banks. In addition to attracting birds, butterflies and bees, the Black Willow is also a larval host for the Mourning Cloak, Viceroy, Red-spotted Purple, Viceroy and Tiger Swallowtail butterflies. This means you may soon be in the good company of some hungry caterpillars! Serving as a vital resource for wildlife, Black Willow is an essential for any ecosystem on the water’s edge (wet soil will work too)!


Dwarf Fothergilla (Witch-Alder) (Fothergilla gardenii)

3 gallon pot

Fall color; Attracts: πŸ πŸ¦‹

Sun: Full sun (6+ hours of direct sun per day)

Soil: Prefers moist/wet soil

Small, mound-shaped shrub to 3 ft. tall with picturesquely crooked, multiple stems. Very disease and insect resistant. Fits well in a woodland garden of azaleas and rhododendrons. To get the best floral and fall foliage display, give Fothergillas as much sunshine as possible. It makes a great low, flowering hedge!


Elderberry Shrub (Sambucus canadensis)

3 gallon pot

Fall Color; Attracts: πŸ πŸ¦πŸ¦‹

Sun: Full sun (6+ hours of direct sun per day)

Soil: Prefers moist/wet soil

Elderberry prefers full sun and can grow 8-10 feet tall in moist to wet soil. Their beautiful white flowers bloom in late spring or early summer and attract bees and other pollinators (and the elder flower is also used for culinary and medicinal purposes). Our native species is also an important host plant for over 40 species of butterflies and moths. The fruits ripen in late August and are relished by migrating songbirds.


Northern Red Oak (Quercus rubra)

3 gallon pot

Fall Color; Attracts: πŸ¦‹πŸ¦

Sun: Adaptable to a wide range of sun conditions

Soil: Adaptable to any soil

Bristle-tipped leaves turn red in the fall. The leaves have 7 to 11 waxy lobes. A good street tree, tolerates pollution and compacted soil. Grows as much as two feet a year for 10 years. Grows to 60' to 75'.


Paper (Canoe) Birch (Betula papyrifera)

3 gallon pot

Fall Color & seeds; Attracts: πŸ¦

Sun: Full sun (6+ hours of direct sun per day)

Soil: Prefers moist/wet soil

One of the best-loved trees of the New England landscape, planted often for the beauty of its distinctive bark and golden fall color. 50-75' high wildlife value.


Pin Oak Tree (Quercus palustris)

3 gallon pot

Attracts: πŸ¦‹ 🐦 

Sun: Full sun (6+ hours of direct sun per day)

Soil: Prefers moist/wet soil

Pyramidal through early maturity, its form turns more oval in older age. Fast-growing, tolerates wet soils, likes full sun. Glossy dark green leaves turn russet, bronze or red. Grows to 60' to 70'. Nuts eaten by a variety of song birds and game birds.


Pussy Willow Shrub (Salix discolor)

2 gallon pot

Minor Fall Color; Attracts: πŸ 🐦 πŸ¦‹

Sun: Full sun (6+ hours of direct sun per day)

Soil: Prefers moist/wet soil

Pussy willow is a wetland shrub found growing throughout North America in meadows and swamps and along streams and lakes. But it also has some tolerance for dry soil. Under the right conditions, these shrubs can reach around 6 to 15 feet tall. Important early bloomer for the queen bees!


Red Maple Tree (Acer Rubrum)

3 gallon pot

Minor Fall Color; Attracts: πŸ¦ πŸ¦‹

Sun: Full sun (6+ hours of direct sun per day)

Soil: Prefers moist/wet soil

You may think of the vibrant red leaves in the fall, but did you know that red maples offer something red every season? The buds in winter, flowers in spring, and the leafstalks in summer are all a brilliant red! The fruit of the red maple, samaras, attracts a whole host of foraging birds. This versatile tree will grow well in full sun to part shade and medium to wet soil. Brings color to your landscape year-round.  Fall color is deep red or yellow. Fast growing and tolerant of many soils. Grows to 40' to 60', 40' spread.


Shadbush (Serviceberry) Shrub (Amelanchier canadensis)

3 gallon pot

Fall Color & Fruit; Attracts: πŸ¦ πŸ¦‹

Sun: Adaptable to a wide range of sun conditions

Soil: Adaptable to any soil

Is one of the finest small trees for fall color, with leaves turning vivid shades of red and gold. The fruit this tree produces is loved by birds. Full sun and partial shade are best for this tree, meaning it prefers a minimum of four hours of direct, unfiltered sunlight each day. 10-15’.


Steeplebush Spirea (Spiraea tomentosa)

1 gallon pot

Fall Color; Attracts: πŸ πŸ¦‹

Sun: Full sun (6+ hours of direct sun per day)

Soil: Prefers moist/wet soil

A shrub which is commonly found in the Adirondack Mountains, has pink to rose-purple flowers. Its flower clusters are narrower and tighter than those of the White Meadowsweet. In addition, the lower leaf surface on the Steeplebush is covered with dense woolly hairs. Steeplebush also has a more pronounced preference for wet soils, and is usually found in stream-side meadows, wet thickets, ditches, peatlands, swamps, and marshes. 4 ft.

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Sugar Maple Tree (Acer saccharum)

3 gallon pot

Fall Color; Attracts: πŸ 🐦 πŸ¦‹

Sun: Full sun (6+ hours of direct sun per day)

Soil: Adaptable to any soil

The Sugar Maple is a landscape standout., burnt orange or red in fall. Tolerates shade, likes a well-drained, moderately moist, fertile soil. Do not plant in confined areas or where salt is a problem. Grows to 60' to 75’.


Summersweet, Sweet Pepperbush Shrub (Clethera alnifolia) 

2 gallon pot

Fall Color; Attracts: πŸ πŸ¦‹

Sun: Adaptable to a wide range of sun conditions

Soil: Prefers moist/wet soil

Sweet pepperbush, also known as summersweet, grows in wet woodlands and marshes, as well as along streams and seashores. It reaches around 3 to 8 feet tall with a 4- to 6-foot spread. During summer it produces long, fragrant flower spikes that tend to attract butterflies and bees.


Swamp White Oak (Quercus bicolor)

3 gallon pot

Fall Color; Attracts: πŸ¦‹πŸ¦

Sun: Full sun (6+ hours of direct sun per day)

Soil: Prefers moist/wet soil

As the name suggests, this oak is found growing wild in low-lying and swampy areas β€” often moist bottomlands or river banks. But it grows just as well in an urban or suburban setting, with tolerance to compacted soil and (perhaps surprisingly) droughtThe swamp white oak is a great choice for a shade or street tree, with the ability to grow at a moderate pace and live more than 300 years. It’s the kind of tree you plant for not only your enjoyment but for the benefit of generations to come.


Sweet (Black) Birch Tree (Betula lenta)

3 gallon pot

Fall Color; Attracts: πŸ¦

Sun: Adaptable to a wide range of sun conditions

Soil: Adaptable to any soil

Sweet (black) birch is resistant to bronze birch borer,. Exhibits the best fall color of the  birches, 50-75' tall. High wildlife value.


Sweetgale Bayberry Shrub (Myrica gale) 

2 gallon pot

Produces winged nutlets; Attracts: πŸ¦ 

Sun: Full sun (6+ hours of direct sun per day)

Soil: Prefers moist/wet soil

Sweetgale is a low-growing, 2-4 ft. high, deciduous, bushy shrub with glossy, dark-green to grayish foliage. The long leaves are sweet-scented. 6-12' wet to moist soil.  The sweet-scented foliage of Sweet Gale is often used as an insect repellant.

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Tulip Tree (Liriodendron)

3 gallon pot

Fall Color; Attracts: πŸ¦ πŸ¦‹

Sun: Full sun (6+ hours of direct sun per day)

Soil: Adaptable to any soil

A fast-growing tree with bright green leaves that resemble tulip flowers in profile and turn golden yellow in fall. Greenish-yellow flowers are carried high in the tree. Stems are aromatic. Likes full sun. Grows to 70' to 90' Great wildlife value all year.


Tupelo / Blackgum Tree (Nyssa sylvatica)

3 gallon pot

Fall Color; Attracts: πŸ¦ πŸ¦‹

Sun: Adaptable to a wide range of sun conditions

Soil: Adaptable to any soil

One of the most attractive native trees around. Summer leaves are a dark green with a high-gloss appearance, but the most spectacular part of this tree is the fall foliage with many shades of yellow, orange, bright red, purple or scarlet that may appear on the same branch. 30-50' prefers well drained soil.


Winterberry - Female (Ilex verticillata)

2 gallon pot

Fall color & berries; Attracts: πŸ¦ 

Sun: Adaptable to a wide range of sun conditions

Soil: Adaptable to any soil

Extremely showy in late fall and early winter when covered with their bright red fruit, these shrubs are either male or female--a trait typical of the holly family. Birds are readily attracted to them. Since this shrub grows in both wet and dry sites, it is an adaptable naturalizer.


Winterberry – Male β€œJim Dandy” Shrub (Ilex verticillata)

3 gallon pot

Fall color but NO berries; Attracts: πŸ¦ πŸ¦‹

Sun: Adaptable to a wide range of sun conditions

Soil: Adaptable to any soil

Jim Dandy is a male plant and is generally grown only as a pollinator for female winterberry plants to produce berries. One Jim Dandy will generally be sufficient for pollinating 9-10 female plants. Prune to shape in early spring just before new growth begins.


If you’re interested in purchasing native plants, contact us for availability at